Workplace training & coaching

Building communication skills

Many workplace conflicts arise from communication issues. Sometimes, those issues are as simple as a manager or staff member believing they have been straightforward, respectful and effective in their communication. But others may interpret that communication differently.

It’s how minor issues can blow up into major problems. We’ve seen it time and time again. If left unchecked, it can trigger tension and disconnection leading to complaints,  reduced productivity and valued staff leaving.

But it’s not all bad news.

Managers and team members are often placed into roles because of their technical expertise. However, they may not have received training to build their skills and confidence to engage in difficult discussions, provide constructive feedback, or resolve conflict.

Communicating effectively.

Providing constructive feedback.

Avoiding blaming, combative or inflammatory language.

Listening to understand what contributed to a mismatch between a good intention and a poor impact

Reframing discussions to focus on achieving common interests rather than win-lose arguments about fixed positions.

Our workplace training and coaching focuses on effective communication strategies – practical tools to create a healthy, productive, values-driven and positive culture by resetting the way they support each other and work together

Our sessions can be used:

  • As part of manager and team leader induction
  • During the post-conflict review process
  • Proactively in scenario training sessions to improve feedback and conflict resolution skills

How workplace training and coaching sessions can help your organisation

Our training and coaching sessions can include:

  • Identifying clear and measurable goals and milestones
  • Working out strategies to help achieve goals and milestones
  • Practical ideas to help maintain positive momentum and focus on results
  • Tools to consider different opinions effectively and fairly
  • Developing ideas to respond to challenging issues creatively
  • Strategies for testing how different approaches and ideas will work in practice
  • Tools to frame feedback honestly, directly, and constructively
  • Analysing triggers and reasons for procrastination and too much time being spent on low priority activities
  • Helping identify where extra support is needed to improve skills or confidence
  • Tools for responding to conflict, stress and anxiety

The process uses the GROW approach to focus on Goals, Reality checking, identifying potential Obstacles and clarifying the Way forward. It’s collaborative. We talk though options and individuals commit to taking specific steps to achieve their goals. A tool used to frame goals is the SMART approach, to develop goals that are Specific, Measurable, Realistic and Time-bound

The best part is, when used at the right time, workplace coaching and training can often help to avoid issues escalating to the point where another intervention is needed. For example, mediation or investigation.

How we prepare for workplace training and coaching

Proper preparation is essential to the success of workplace training and coaching. We’ll spend briefing time with you in which we’ll record specific information that will help us to plan and pinpoint the best approach.

This may include:

  • Working out the goal of the training
  • Deciding how far away the individual or team is from achieving the goal
  • Identifying obstacles that are preventing the individual or team from achieving the goal
  • Working out actions and a plan to move forward and achieve the goal

We also conduct a risk assessment so we can get an idea of how difficult the discussions will be for the manager or staff member, and the potential impact. The more serious the situation, the more time will be needed. Risk assessment includes:

  • Planning the approach
  • Planning appropriate use of language
  • Planning appropriate support networks for the manager or staff member

The training or coaching will only commence once we’re confident that planning has been thorough. The time it takes to plan will be different in every situation and can depend on many things, including the complexity of the situation and the willingness and availability of participants to engage in the process. Jonathan (Jonny) Schauder, a registered psychologist with extensive experience as an executive coach, is part of our team. 

Our process

We use coaching sessions and scenario-based training to improve communication skills and build healthier, more positive and productive working relationships.

Step 1

Briefing discussion to identify needs, clarify expectations and set goals.

Step 2

Training session or coaching sessions to understand and implement practical steps to achieve the goals.

Step 3

Follow-up to ensure new habits or approaches are embedded and achieving sustained improvements.

SMART goals to achieve sustained improvements

Frequently asked questions about workplace training and coaching

How long will it take?

The duration will depend on what service is right for your organisation and how severe, advanced, or complicated the issues. We may recommend between six and ten coaching sessions. Or training may be a one-off. Once we understand the problems, we’ll give you a time and cost estimate.

What’s the difference between coaching and training?

Workplace coaching is usually conducted one-on-one, with a focus on the leadership style of the manager or the approach of the staff member. We typically deliver coaching in a series of sessions, closely linking them with the organisation’s values and expectations. Effective coaching requires a good fit between the individual and the coach, along with clarity about the process, goals, confidentiality elements and feedback that will be provided to stakeholders about progress and outcomes. 

Training can be delivered to groups or individuals. It can be more general, using various scenarios to develop problem-solving abilities and improve skills, for example:

  • Before a situation escalates (or because it has escalated)
  • To newly appointed managers
  • Newly formed teams or teams encountering change or other challenges
  • As a refresher to continue building feedback or conflict resolution skills

Contact us to discuss which approach is best for your circumstances

Why use coaching instead of training?

Whether we use coaching or training will depend on the number of people involved, the nature of the conflict, how complicated the situation, or how many sessions are required. We’ll discuss this with you when we understand more about your circumstances.

Should coaching and training be conducted face-to-face?

Face-to-face sessions are ideal because we can maintain a better flow of discussion, more easily read body language, and gauge reactions. Increasingly, however, we are using video conferencing to conduct our sessions due to COVID-19 restrictions and geographical distance between parties. If you’re interested in using video conferencing, please let us know.

Do you offer specific training courses?

All training sessions and courses are specially designed for your organisation’s circumstances.  Please contact us to discuss your training needs. 

Invest in your team with workplace training and coaching

Improve communication, strengthen working relationships and boost productivity

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